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About the NTSI Lab (2015–2023)
About the NTSI Lab (2015–2023)
About the NTSI Lab (2015–2023)
About the NTSI Lab (2015–2023)

Please note that the NTSI-Lab was closed in Fall 2023. The work of the researchers will continue as part of the Creative Technologies Lab. The information below is outdated but this website will remain online for documentation purposes. If there are questions feel free to reach out to

The Lab for Narrative Technologies and Spatial Installations (NTSI Lab) was an applied and design oriented research lab working in the realms of 1. the documentation of global heritage, 2. the exploration of narrational qualities of new technologies, 3. the development of site specific installations, and 4. on achieving societal impact. The lab was closed at the end of 2023.

1. Documentation of Global Heritage: The documentation of global heritage is of paramount importance because it preserves the rich tapestry of human history, culture, and natural landscapes for future generations. By meticulously recording and archiving our heritage, we not only safeguard our collective identity but also enable a deeper understanding of our roots, fostering a sense of cultural continuity and appreciation for diversity. Moreover, such documentation serves as a vital educational resource, offering insights into the past, informing the present, and inspiring sustainable stewardship of our world's precious treasures. (read more…)

2. Exploration of Narrational Qualities of New Technologies: This research field involves examining how emerging technologies influence and shape storytelling. From virtual reality to interactive media, these technologies offer novel ways to create and experience narratives. This exploration is driven by a desire to understand the evolving relationship between technology and storytelling and its potential impacts on creativity, communication, and engagement.(read more…)

3. Development of Site-specific Installations The development of site-specific installations is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field within the realm of contemporary art and design. These installations are meticulously crafted to interact with and respond to the unique characteristics and environment of a specific location, whether it's an urban space, gallery, or natural setting. Site-specific installations often challenge conventional artistic boundaries, inviting viewers to engage with art in a way that blurs the lines between the work and its surroundings. They offer a profound opportunity to explore the relationship between art, space, and the viewer, creating immersive, thought-provoking experiences that reflect and resonate with the context in which they are situated.(read more…)

4. Achieving societal impact in the context of the development of site-specific installations, as well as the documentation of global heritage and the exploration of narrational qualities of new technologies, is particularly meaningful. These diverse realms share a common thread: they connect people, culture, and technology to broader societal values and aspirations. Site-specific installations, through their integration with local environments, can reinvigorate public spaces and foster a stronger sense of community, addressing social needs and beautifying urban landscapes. Simultaneously, the documentation of global heritage ensures that the collective memory and cultural diversity are preserved, celebrating the richness of human history and promoting cross-cultural understanding, ultimately contributing to a more cohesive and enlightened society. Lastly, the exploration of narrational qualities in new technologies enriches our storytelling capabilities, enabling more inclusive and innovative narratives that can drive societal change and inspire new ways of thinking. Together, these endeavors enhance the human experience, stimulate conversation, and promote a sense of unity and purpose in an ever-evolving world.(read more…)

NTSI Lab – Fields of Research

With its origin in the United Arab Emirates – the Lab was founded by Felix Hardmood Beck at NYU Abu Dhabi, and later led by Zlatan Filipovic at American University of Sharjah – the team of interdisciplinary researchers worked until end of 2023 in a network spanning across Europe and the Middle East.

Lab for Narrative Technologies and Spatial Installations NTSI's headquarter from 2015–2020: New York University Abu Dhabi's Experimental Research Building (ERB).

Lab for Narrative Technologies and Spatial Installations NTSI Lab's prototyping space from 2015 – 2020 (Building: A5, Section: 015-2).

Plastic Recycling Lab NTSI Lab's Plastic Recycling Workshop from 2015 – 2020 (B2 basement, underneath D2 Dining Hall at Serco's waste management site).